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Category : Company News
Headline : Chandni Machines has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2023
Date: 19/01/2024 19:50
As of December 2023, 46.50% is owned by Indian Promoters and 53.50% by Public.

Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of Chandni Machines company are Jayesh Ramniklal Mehta (8.38 lakhs shares / 25.98%), A. J. Mehta (5.52 lakhs shares / 17.10%), Jr Auto Components (0.84 lakhs shares / 2.62%), Prerna Jayesh Mehta (13400 shares / 0.42%) and Chandni Jayesh Mehta (12500 shares / 0.39%).